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Lafayette telsat 805 no tx on AM/FM no recieve at SSB

Posted: Thursday 10th Mar 2011, 6:15
by dxswe
Radio Make and Model: Lafayette Telsat 805B
PCB Number:PTBM131A4X
PLL Number: 02
Test gear available:Counter and multimeter
Symptoms:No tx at AM/FM also SSB.And no RX at SSB only at AM/FM

What is working:RX AM/FM

What has been tried:Nothing

Did it suddenly happen ?: Yes
Anything else that may be of help?:When I turn up the volume little bit in rx I can hear squealing sound in the speakers.
When I keying up the mic in in all mode I can hear my self in my other radio.So the radio seem to have modulation.But no
rf output at all.I can hear station well in am/fm but nothing in ssb mode..
Here's a schematic diagram for the radio
Best regards Jan

Re: Lafayette telsat 805 no tx on AM/FM no recieve at SSB

Posted: Saturday 7th Jul 2012, 23:10
by dxswe
Now is the radio up and running.The faulty was the final 1969