Here's the pinout of the EPROM:
The address lines are the
inputs to the EPROM.
The first digit (thousands) is A12. This can only be high (1) or low (0).
The next digit (hundreds) is A8, A9, A10, and A11, so this can be 0 through to F.
The next digit (tens) is A4, A5, A6, and A7, so this can be 0 through to F.
The next digit (units) is A3, A2, A1, and A0, so this can be 0 through to F.
Therefore, the INPUT or addresses range is from 0000 to 1FFF.
The data lines are the
outputs from the EPROM.
The first digit (tens) is D4, D5, D6, and D7, so this can be 0 through to F.
The last digit (units) is D3, D2, D1, and D0, so this can be 0 through to F.
Therefore, the OUTPUT or data range is from 00 to FF.
The other pins are used for programming and for multi-EPROM circuits, ignore these. Connect them to ground, except for NC pins which are left unconnected.
It's easier to understand if you ignore pinout and unused lines in the schematic:
If the PLL wanted 6F for FCC channel 1 RX and AE for TX (more on how to do this further on) then the EPROM
DATA has to be 6F and AE.
Put your radio to FCC mode and the channel selector on channel 1. Measure the voltages on the channel selector pins that go to the
If it is, for example, 002A on receive, this will be 102A on transmit (because the 5V TX line goes to A12 in the above circuit, adding +1000).
With the EPROM programmer, program 6F into address 002A and AE into address 102A.
Repeat the measurements and programming for all other channels.
Result: when the FCC mode is selected and the selector is turned to channel 1, the EPROM gives out 6F and the radio receives on that channel!
There are 2 ways of working out the DATA codes needed.
Method 1: use a couple of hex thumbwheels:
Set the thumbwheels to the halfway mark (80), Radio should lock OK. Write down frequency.
Set it to 81 and measure again. It should have moved by 5 or 10 Khz. This is your step.
You can now make a chart from 00 to FF showing all 256 combinations, by simple derivation.
For example, if 80 gave 27.305 and 81 gave 27.315, it follows that 82 must be 27.325 and 83 gives 27.335, and so on.
Method 2: use good old mathematics
You'll need to know the downmix and reference frequencies before you can do this.
Example: Radio uses 10Khz reference and a 15.360 downmix. Calculate code for FCC channel 40 RX (27.405 Mhz):
VCO = RF - IF, so VCO = 27.405-10.695 which is 16.71 Mhz.
Fin = VCO - Downmix, so Fin = 16.71 - 15.36 = 1.35 Mhz.
The next step requires Khz, not Mhz, so multiply by 1000 to get Khz: 1.35 x 1000 = a value of 1350 Khz for Fin.
NCode = Fin / Ref. 1350 divided by 10 = 135.
135 is the
decimal value, NOT the
hex value our EPROM programmer wants.
Use the Windows calculator accessory (change it from Standard to Scientific view) to convert:
135 decimal = 87 hex. Therefore we program 87 into the EPROM to hit 27.405 at the address combination we wand to make the radio go to 27.405.
You can now make a chart from 00 to FF showing all 256 combinations, by simple derivation.
For example, 86 should give 27.395 and 85 should give 27.385, and so on.
Because the reference and downmix cannot be easily determined in many cases, I prefer method 1.
I keep a pair of thumbwheels soldered to the data pins of a 28 pin EPROM socket to do this. Total cost was under $20.
Hope I explained it clearly enough