cobra 29 irf520 mod problem
Posted: Sunday 23rd Nov 2008, 2:06
I just installed an irf520 in my cobra 29/NW/ST. It worked at first and only had a talk range comparable to my TRC-52. So I opened it back up and started expirimenting with some capacitance values. I was futzing around with capacitor values for C62 [I installed a 470pf cap here when I changed the final; I also removed the capacitor that was across it on the solder side]. I was going for a lower value so I paralleled two 220pf caps in place of the 470pf cap. I noticed my transmit audio increased, much louder with less clipping and distortion. I left the radio on, went and got something to drink, came back and noticed that when I keyed up the mic, the rf power meter on the radio barely even moved at all.
So I changed the 2 220pf caps back out with the 470pf cap. Nothing. The TX transmit lights up, and I could hear audio when I was transmitting to my nearby handheld unit. But the TX meter moves to around 1. What could have happened? Maybe I burnt up the driver?
I didn't use the en1230 part, instead I used a diode + resistor pair configured this way: GROUND <------>|------^^^^-----------> MOSFET GATE. The diode was an everyday 1n4148? and I used a 470ohm resistor with ferrite bead on the end.
I hope someone can help as this is the only 29 I got!
So I changed the 2 220pf caps back out with the 470pf cap. Nothing. The TX transmit lights up, and I could hear audio when I was transmitting to my nearby handheld unit. But the TX meter moves to around 1. What could have happened? Maybe I burnt up the driver?
I didn't use the en1230 part, instead I used a diode + resistor pair configured this way: GROUND <------>|------^^^^-----------> MOSFET GATE. The diode was an everyday 1n4148? and I used a 470ohm resistor with ferrite bead on the end.
I hope someone can help as this is the only 29 I got!