Register for Membership

This is a simple four step process.

Step one: Enter registration information.

Step two: Review registration information.

Step three: Payment through PayPal.

Step four: Confirmation of membership.

Payments are processed through PayPal, you can pay securely with your credit card or use funds from your PayPal account.

NOTE: you must use your real first and last name, they will not be viewable by anyone apart from the site administrator.

First Name: (30 characters max)

Last Name: (30 characters max)

Username: (25 characters max) - Avoid using an email address, but it is allowed

Password: (30 characters max)

Time Zone:

E-Mail Address: (if you already have a PayPal account use the same e-mail address as your PayPal account)

I understand that a payment is required through PayPal in order to continue.
I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this site.

If you do not intend to pay, do not continue on to step 2, you will be wasting your time, as unpaid membership applications are deleted.